Almondbury Action

Almondbury Action is a voluntary group which was set up in March 2019. Our aim is to engage with local people in environmental clean-up projects for the benefit of wildlife and the community and promote pride in Almondbury Village and surrounding areas. We also support and work in partnership with other Almondbury Community Groups. We undertake regular litter picks and clean ups, have raised money for a village defibrillator and maintain village planters.

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Almondbury Bank Woodland Preservation Group

We maintain under Kirklees Licence the afore mentioned woodland area. Maintain pathways and steps. Litter pick along the roadside wooded areas, and in general leave the woodland tidy and a natural pleasure to walk through with or without a dog.

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Growing Newsome

We’re a thriving community of food growers in Huddersfield. Growing Newsome helps people to grow and share their own food. We create opportunities for people to get together, so that we can share our plants, seeds, locally produced food, experiences, skills, and ideas for the future. We help people to grow their confidence with food growing and help to improve our local environment for people and wildlife.

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Friends of Dean Wood

To conserve Dean Wood, its flora and fauna and wildlife habitats as a community resource and promote its use by local people as a place for quiet enjoyment and study of the countryside. To plan, organise and carry out practical conservation works and such other activities as the Group sees fit to promote its aim. Raise money and other support for its activities in support of its aim.

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Newsome Ward Community Forum

Our aims are to enable people who live and work in the Newsome Ward to come together, share information and support each other. To enable people to influence decision making in their own areas, and to be able to work together for the benefit of their communities. We do a wide range of things, including oversee the maintenance of Hey Green Community Wildlife Site, look after the community orchard in Lowerhouses, and look after the grounds of what was St John's Church in Newsome, which is being converted to Newsome Centre.

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Thornton Lodge Action Group

The mission of Thornton Lodge Action Group is: - to reduce inequality and disadvantage by addressing gaps in local services and working with partners to alleviate hardship in the local community - to give our clients a sense of belonging and encourage them to make a contribution to the community - to support local residents to develop their skills, confidence and self-esteem through education, training and employability activities with the broader aim of improving the education, health and economic welfare of the community and local community relations.

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