Kirkheaton Environment Trust

Purpose and objectives The general purpose of the trust is to enhance the environment of Kirkheaton, adjacent areas and schemes in other places that contribute to achieving the trusts objectives. In particular, the trust will seek to: 1. Protect, conserve and enrich habitats, landscapes and built structures in Kirkheaton and adjacent areas including by acquiring and managing land and property; 2. promote activities and projects that contribute to sustainable development including carbon sequestration, micro-energy schemes, recreation, car-free transport, and high energy-efficiency buildings including houses; 3. promote greater understanding and enjoyment of the environment

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Lepton Community Orchard

To create a community orchard by planting fruit trees on an area of land on Lepton recreation ground and along the footpaths, and plant fruit trees in other areas across the Ward, with a view to improving the area further. Creating an orchard will improve the local ecological value of the recreation ground and surrounding area and enhance it by creating a habitat for bees and pollinators; it will work towards improving air quality in our area, be a local food source, provide opportunities for outdoor activity working in the natural environment which is known to benefit well-being and mental health as well as provide relaxing areas for just enjoying the natural environment.

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Friends of Cliffe House

Aims and objectives. The aims and objectives of the Group shall be: a) To help make Cliffe House a vibrant, safe, pleasant and enjoyable environment for residents and visitors. b) To encourage and promote activities which will make Cliffe House a better place to work and visit. c) To improve access to Cliffe House for all user groups. d) To develop ideas and events aimed at enhancing Cliffe House for the benefit of all. e) To encourage partnerships and cohesion within the village to enhance Cliffe House.

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Friends of Slaithwaite Spa

To Conserve, Maintain and Enhance the amenities of the park for the benefit of the Colne Valley community. To promote the use of the the park for quiet relaxation and recreation for individuals and groups of all ages and abilities including the disabled. To promote the use of the park for public events organised by charitable and other groups for the entertainment and benefit of the local community and visitors.

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Thurstonland Village Association

· Encourage resident participation and strengthen community bonds. · Maintain and husband the environment of publicly accessible spaces in Thurstonland not covered by Kirklees Local Green Spaces. · Monitor, record and communicate aspects of Thurstonland’s natural environment including but not limited to Badgers, Foxes, Bats, Newts, natural and agricultural fauna, and recognised invasive species in the wild. · Support local schools attended by residents with material and topics for environmental and sustainability subjects e.g., Natural History GCSE.

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