Ride Kirklees

We are a group of mountain bikers who look after bridleways and official bike tracks to maintain them.

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Friends of Earlsheaton Park

We are a group of local community members, of Earlsheaton and the surrounding areas. Our aim is to understand what improvements the community would like to see in the park and other communal areas. To raise funds and organise volunteering activity, so that we can improve the area and provide an opportunity for the community to work together and get to know eachother. We also intend to have small scale events that the local community can take part in and hopefully enjoy. We'd love to see the park used to it's full potential and to bring all ages of the community together.

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Upper Dearne Woodland Conservation Group

Management of an area of woodlands near Upper Cumberworth, owned by Wavin UK. Access is open to the public. The management priorities are: Priority 1. Wildlife Conservation: Priority 2. Boundary and Access Improvements: Priority 3. Education and Information. Meetings are held monthly (2nd Tuesday at 7.30pm) in Birdsedge Church Hall. Working parties are generally two a month. .

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Friends of Lees Holm Park

A group of people from the local community making a positive difference to Lees Holme Park. Through gardening and other activities that will make the park more welcoming for all.

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Friends of Churchfield

The Friends of Churchfield are local people who help to maintain this community open space, enhancing the biodiversity by undertaking planting, and therefore increasing the wildlife. A Heritage Lottery Grant in 2015 enabled the Friends to improve access for wheelchairs and buggies, and provide information by installing information boards, documenting the history and biodiversity of the field and its surroundings.

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Batley Cemetery Support Group

Working closely with KMC to continue the care,upkeep and preservation of Batley Cemetery.Encourage the development of the Cemetery as a place of historical interest.

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Milnsbridge Enhancement Group (MEG)

The group undertakes works to improve the environment and amenity value of Milnsbridge e.g. making a riverside walk; advances the appreciation of Milnsbridge by the public as a desirable area in which to live and work; and campaigns for resources to be spent in Milnsbridge by public and private bodies e.g. securing funding for a climbing boulder. We involve people in practical activities to improve the local environment e.g. litter picking, working with the local school on an art project; promote meetings, publications, exhibitions and research, and co-operate with other groups, both locally and nationally.

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Cliffe Woods Conservation Group

To maintain and improve the area known as Cliffe Wood to provide access and enjoyment of the local community and to increase biodiversity and habitat for local wildlife

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Birkby Community Wildlife Garden

To provide and maintain a small area of urban woodland with aims to include the conservation and promotion of wildlife; in doing so, to provide a resource for the local people (adults, young people, families) to come to, somewhere nearby but relatively tranquil; somewhere from which to appreciate nature, it’s looks, smells and sounds and the open air, and to have opportunities to further their knowledge and experience of nature and it’s conservation through the seasons.

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