Privacy Notice for Natural Kirklees – January 2025
Natural Kirklees is registered with the Charity Commission as a CIO no 1174259.
Our Registered Office is:
The Depot, Beaumont Park, Beaumont Park Road, Huddersfield HD4 7AY
Our website address is:
Our email is:
1. What personal data does Natural Kirklees collect?
The data we routinely collect includes individual members’ and member groups contacts names, addresses, telephone numbers and email addresses. We also hold newsletter subscriber and council contacts names, telephone numbers and email addresses.
2. What is this personal data used for?
We use members’ data for the administration of Natural Kirklees. As a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) we are required to keep a list of members for the purposes communicating dates and times of the Annual General Meeting, other meetings and news we think members would find useful. We also publish member groups contact emails where we have been given permission on the web site directory. We also use this information when providing public liability cover for member groups activities under the Natural Kirklees Insurance Facility
3. Where does this data come from?
Data for our members has been collected from the Natural Kirklees Directory when groups enter their details, meeting attendance sheets, from newsletter requests and general contact by email.
4. How is your data stored?
This information is stored in digital form on a computer owned by Natural Kirklees. This information is backed up on a web- based Cloud storage facility. Permitted detail is also stored in the Natural Kirklees web site member groups directory and on Mailchimp Newsletter distribution application. Access to this data that has not been specifically indicated as publicly accessible, is restricted to trustees and volunteers of Natural Kirklees and outsource contractors acting on behalf of Natural Kirklees to undertake specific roles e.g. administrative processes and web site maintenance. Additionally, the contact details may be communicated among member groups, if specific permission has been given, but only for assisting in the activities of Natural Kirklees or the member groups.
Under the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) we do not have a statutory requirement to have a Data Protection Officer. The person who is responsible for ensuring Natural Kirklees discharges its obligations under the GDPR is the chair appointed at the time of any use or access of such information.
5. What is the legal basis for collecting this data?
Natural Kirklees collects personal data that is necessary for the purposes of its legitimate interests as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation.
6. How can you check what data we have about you?
If you want to see the membership data we hold about you, you should contact the chair or if you wish to withdraw your consent to receive information from us please email
January 2025