Small Grant Scheme Award 2023

2023 Small Grant Scheme Awards

2023 Small Grant Scheme Awards

Following the success of the 2020 and 2022 small grant schemes, Natural Kirklees has been delighted to offer the opportunity again in 2023 for full members to apply for up to £750 for a grant to improve the environment of their green space or the well being of their community with an environmental connection.

As in previous years, our funding derives from Kirklees Council and they support this year’s offer and we thank them for giving us this opportunity.

While it is important to affirm that all applications that meet the objectives of Natural Kirklees have been considered, we are keen to promote the improvement of parks, villages and other green spaces in line with the Britain In Bloom objectives. It is equally important that we make clear that it is not just the “in bloom” members that we are thinking about but also the residents associations, community groups and preservation societies. The RHS have found that improving (or maintaining already high standards) leads to.

  • Increased visitor numbers and a stronger local economy
  • A stronger sense of pride of place, contributing to reductions in crime and anti-social behaviour
  • A cleaner and greener place to live and visit, with higher environmental awareness
  • New partnerships between local authorities, businesses and community groups
  • More funding opportunities to support specific activities
  • Higher volunteer numbers, enabling groups to have a bigger impact

Applications have been invited for amounts between £50 and £750.

The closing date for applications was 31st March 2023.

Applications are now being reviewed by the trustees of Natural Kirklees; they may request additional information or clarification and grants will be awarded during April. The trustees hope to visit each successful applicant to showcase the project and promote the successes the group and Natural Kirklees achieve.

The following conditions apply

  • Open only to full constituted members
  • The work must be undertaken and completed before 31st December 2023.
  • The member must allow the trustees of Natural Kirklees to confirm the work is being undertaken and has been completed.
  • The member is willing to provide brief reports, 3 months into the project and at the completion of the work, detailing the benefits, preferably with photographs and give permission for this to be publicised by Natural Kirklees, at their discretion.
  • The funding is provided for a specific project that has a tangible, identifiable outcome.
  • The funding is provided only for items and work not already undertaken or committed to.
  • Receipts for all expenditure will be made available to Natural Kirklees, if requested.
  • The work must be undertaken with Kirklees Council or the land owner’s permission
  • All legal aspects and permissions are obtained and adhered to.
  • The member must have public liability insurance to cover the work to be undertaken.
  • The funds will be transferred to the members bank account within a two-weeks following the award.
  • Natural Kirklees Trustees decisions are final in all aspects of this scheme.
  • The member agrees that any unspent amount or the total grant if the project fails to go ahead, will be returned to Natural Kirklees.

Any questions – email

Almondbury Action Group

Click here to view the application

Birkby Community Wildlife Garden

Click here to view the application

Cleckheaton in Bloom

Click here to view the application

Environmental Projects in Kirklees

Click here to view the application

Friends of Caulms Wood

Click here to view the application

Friends of Cliffe House

Click here to view the application

Friends of Honley Old Woods

Click here to view the application

Holmepride – Community in Action

Click here to view the application

Honley Village Community Trust

Click here to view the application

Kirklees Badger Protection Group

Click here to view the application

Lepton Village Preservation Society

Click here to view application

Mirfield in Bloom

Click here to view the application

Newsome Ward Community Forum

Click here to view the application

Windybank Gardening Club

Click here to view the application