Apply for Membership with Natural Kirklees
Please use the form at the bottom of the page to enter your group’s details, if applying for membership. If you wish to amend any details including contact details please follow the same process as if you were applying for membership.
Make sure you meet all the criteria before filling out the appropriate form. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. We will be happy to help you choose the right membership.
When completing the application please identify which category of membership should be allocated – either:
- Friends Group – specifically set up to conserve, maintain and enhance a green space.
- Community Group – specifically set up to maintain a community area, usually a village or ward.
- Activity Group – set up to enhance the wellbeing of the public in general by organising activities outdoors such as walking, bicycle riding etc.
- Wildlife Group – set up to protect and monitor specific species of wildlife e.g. badgers.
- Allotment – specifically for community groups working on allotments
- Educational – for schools and colleges who wish to join as Associate members
- Litter Picking – specifically for community groups set up to litter pick
- Enterprise – a registered Not-For-Profit-Organisation, which if staffed purely by volunteers would fall into one of the above categories.