Hope you can help point us in the right direction again for information.
We want help identifying the plants we should be worried about and how to tackle them e.g. himalayan balsam etc. ?
We would also like help with what we have in the Grimescar in terms of plants, birds, animals and trees.
Do you have any contacts who would help us?
Melinda – Between the S2R staff and our Friend of Norman park group Im sure we can help with a bit of a surveying in the Valley. With Gill back perhaps we can do one of there Bio blitz exercises? Im not sure what their method has been but Im sure it is achievable.
Ill see if I can get a Balsam bash organised through our workday team.
Jason Kerry
Some info for the Grimescar group
Lots of info here for invasive non-native species work:
Identification sheets:
Management advice:
Himalayan balsam management advice:
All the best
Simon Hirst
River Steward
River Holme Connections