Trustee Meetings

Natural Kirklees Trustee Meetings since 2017

In this section you will find the minutes of the Natural Kirklees Trustees meetings, the most recent first. The Trustees meet as and when there is something to discuss and decide upon, e.g. the sign off of the year end accounts. The meetings are specifically for the trustees but we may invite other interested parties to join us when relevant, e.g. for expert advice. 

Natural Kirklees Trustees Meeting

Tuesday 23rd May 2023

Tuesday 11th April 2023

Thursday 2nd February 2023

Wednesday 7th December 2022

Friday 26th August 2022

Friday 13th May 2022

Monday 21st March 2022

Tuesday 22nd February 2022

Wednesday 12th January 2022

Tuesday 2nd November 2021

Friday 30th July 2021

Thursday 4th March 2021

Wednesday 28th October 2020

Wednesday 16th September 2020

Thursday 20th August 2020

Thursday 18th June 2020

Wednesday 8th April 2020

Friday 3rd April 2020

Wednesday 29th January 2020

Wednesday 13th November 2019

Wednesday 17th April 2019

Thursday 31st January 2019

Wednesday 31st October 2018

Wednesday 18th July 2018

Wednesday 11th April 2018

Wednesday 17 January 2018

Wednesday 6th September 2017