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    • problems with a wordpress website

      Upper dearne woods have a website which was set up by a predecessor of mine about 15 years ago with help fom Kirklees in some shape or form. (I'm not sure how it...

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      Posted by: robin stocks
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    • Pathways for pollinators: Kirklees?

      The organisation is establishing pollinator pathways across much of the country. But how far is Kirklees involved? I think that one of the routes passes near to Delph and Denshaw and another pathway...

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      Posted by: Stuart Taylor
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    • Invasive plants

      Hope you can help point us in the right direction again for information. We want help identifying the plants we should be worried about and how to tackle them e.g. himalayan balsam etc. ? We...

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      Posted by: NaturalKirklees
      Replies: 2
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