Cliffe Woods Conservation Group

To maintain and improve the area known as Cliffe Wood to provide access and enjoyment of the local community and to increase biodiversity and habitat for local wildlife

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Clayton West (Kayes) Millennium Green Trust

Kaye's Millennium Green is 4.27 hectares of traditional parkland in Clayton West. The Green has many mature parkland trees whose character is maintained by the browsing of the cattle who graze there in the summer. It is crossed by the well-used Kirklees Way and is a favourite dog walk and popular recreation ground for people of all ages. It is also well used by the local primary school and other groups such as scouts, cubs and running groups.

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Friends of East Hill Woods

The conservation group was set up to preserve and enhance East Hill Woods as a community resource and promote their use by local people as a place of quiet enjoyment of the countryside.

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Ten Villages Conservation Group

The 10 villages conservation group is a practical conservation group which undertakes a task once a month around the Denby Dale parish, led by the countryside officer. A major project is the linking of two communities of Great Crested Newts and we also monitor the River Dearne for pollution, based on riverfly sampling. We also assist local schools & community groups who need a helping hand with practical projects, with a workforce entirely made up of local volunteers. We offer a warm welcome to anyone who would like to be involved and help.

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Friends of Park Gate

Reclaiming old pit workings to form a small country park. Fence removal, vegetation management, tree and hedge planting, path creation and maintenance, improved accessibility, installing information boards, general maintenance of the site. Friends of Park Gate are developing, maintaining and will manage the land off Station Road in Skelmanthorpe creating a small country park.

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Denby Village Conservation Group

The Group was formed in May 2015 and is open to all residents of Upper and Lower Denby with the aims of: ​Helping to make Denby Village a vibrant, safe, pleasant and enjoyable environment for residents and visitors. Promoting activities which will make Denby Village a better place to live, work and visit. Developing ideas and events aimed at enhancing the environment of the Village for the benefit of all. Co-operating with public and private bodies, charitable organisations, youth and other community groups to develop economic, social, safety and environmental projects within the area

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Made In Clayton West

Made in Clayton West: The aims of the group are to connect people and play our part in helping to make our village & local area a better place to rest, work and play. We aim to connect people in our community by coming together, sharing skills, using talents, being creative, building connections and making a difference. We have an active facebook page and support the running of various events in the community including an annual yard sale and autumn 'Light up the Woods' event.

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The MAST Community Garden

The MAST Community garden was launched last year via Skelmanthorpe Family Doctors, this year we'd like to pass the garden to our local community. This year we have established a community steering group for the garden. Members include service users of social prescribing, local libraries, the U3A Gardening group, the Denby Dale Parish Countryside officer, and colleagues from the Denby Dale Centre/ Skelmanthorpe Community Pantry. The first meeting explored the group's experience, knowledge, and skills they'd like to share and identified goals for this year: getting to know the space with regular working days planned throughout the year, grow your own food community project.

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