Moorlands Community Garden

(i) to support physical health, mental health and wellbeing; (ii) to foster a sense of community and combat loneliness by engaging team members in social interaction through gardening; (iii) to share knowledge and skills in garden design and planning, horticulture and the use of produce through sharing recipes and cooking; (iv) to create conditions for the production of food whilst also preserving habitats for wildlife; (v) to broaden and enhance knowledge of gardening through visits to gardens, agricultural and flower shows and presentations by invited speakers.

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Smithy Community Playspace & TRA

Our group supports members of the community with social activities like luncheon clubs for older people and tea time clubs for children and young people. Our group also has a small allotment where produce is grown and given out to members of the community

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Dewsbury Partnership, The

The aims of the Group shall be the regeneration of activity of all types in Dewsbury and the North Kirklees area with the intention of improving the quality of life, the economic potential and the quality of the environment.

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Friends of Earlsheaton Park

We are a group of local community members, of Earlsheaton and the surrounding areas. Our aim is to understand what improvements the community would like to see in the park and other communal areas. To raise funds and organise volunteering activity, so that we can improve the area and provide an opportunity for the community to work together and get to know eachother. We also intend to have small scale events that the local community can take part in and hopefully enjoy. We'd love to see the park used to it's full potential and to bring all ages of the community together.

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Friends of Lees Holm Park

A group of people from the local community making a positive difference to Lees Holme Park. Through gardening and other activities that will make the park more welcoming for all.

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Friends of Rectory Park

To work closely with Kirklees Council to maintain & improve facilities in Rectory Park, for the benefit of local residents & visitors to the park. To conserve & improve the natural history & heritage value of the park, together with the protection & extension of wildlife & botanical habitats.

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Ravensthorpe in Bloom

To clean up Ravensthorpe, and to keep it so. To work with Kirklees, Schools, Mosques, Churches and businesses to take pride in the area. To work towards enhancing the area with planters, hanging baskets, etc

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Friends of Crow Nest Park

To provide a forum to which public views about Crow Nest Park can be aired and discussed. To lobby and actively work for improvements to facilities in Crow Nest Park and for an extension in the amenities and activities which are available to visitors. To promote initiatives which will safeguard community safety in and around Crow Nest Park. To encourage the different local communities to become involved in the life of Crow Nest park and to play a role in shaping its future. To promote a positive image for Crow Nest Park in the area and to increase the numbers of people who use it

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