Farnley Tyas Community Group

A Community Group for the Village of Farnley Tyas village to promote the village, improve the village, and amenities, local support, arrange events, fund raising for the group and charities. We meet every month and produce a local news letter to residents 3 times per year, litter picking local area once per month and support the local church

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Friends of Norman Park

Welcome to the Friends of Norman Park. We are a voluntary group helping to take care of the park for the community and wildlife to enjoy. We have regular work days in park, including litter picks, footpath clearing, gardening and maintaining facilities in the park. We are currently working on improving the biodiversity and creating new wildlife habitats and gardens. We also run sports, wellbeing, food, music, arts and crafts events for families throughout the year, including Bonkers for Conkers and Carols in the Park. New volunteers and member are always welcomed.

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Kirklees Badger Protection Group

We are a dedicated group of volunteers who monitor and protect historical badger setts within the Kirklees area of West Yorkshire. We encourage understanding, tolerance, appreciation, and respect for badgers. Provide education and information to the wider community.

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Kirklees Bridleways Group

Our aim is to safeguard all historic routes by getting them recorded for public use therefore ensuring that they are safe for future generations. IF they are not formally recorded accurately as bridleways, footpaths & byways on the Definitive Map.

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Ravensthorpe in Bloom

To clean up Ravensthorpe, and to keep it so. To work with Kirklees, Schools, Mosques, Churches and businesses to take pride in the area. To work towards enhancing the area with planters, hanging baskets, etc

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Friends of Storthes Hall Woods

To conserve and regenerate the woodlands of Storthes Hall, their flora, fauna and wildlife habitats as a community resource and promote their use by local people as a place for the enjoyment and study of the countryside; and also to take consideration and care for sites of historical and archaeological importance.

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Cleckheaton in Bloom

Cleckheaton in Bloom is a voluntary group that was set up in July 2021. It was established in order to help make Cleckheaton a more attractive place for residents, shoppers, visitors, retailers, businesses and to draw new retailers, businesses, families and shoppers to the town. The aims of the group are to enhance and improve the visual appeal of the town of Cleckheaton by encouraging the growth of plants, flowers, herbs and vegetables in different areas across the town throughout the year. In enhancing the town of Cleckheaton through planting containers and areas across the town we aim to encourage and promote civic pride and a community spirit in the town.

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Golcar Lily Environment Group

Improve the appearance of Golcar. Engage villagers in environmental activity. Organise regular environmental activities. Support other groups and local residents. Fund our projects through donations, grants and fundraising

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