Friends of East Hill Woods

The conservation group was set up to preserve and enhance East Hill Woods as a community resource and promote their use by local people as a place of quiet enjoyment of the countryside.

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Friends of Crow Nest Park

To provide a forum to which public views about Crow Nest Park can be aired and discussed. To lobby and actively work for improvements to facilities in Crow Nest Park and for an extension in the amenities and activities which are available to visitors. To promote initiatives which will safeguard community safety in and around Crow Nest Park. To encourage the different local communities to become involved in the life of Crow Nest park and to play a role in shaping its future. To promote a positive image for Crow Nest Park in the area and to increase the numbers of people who use it

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Almondbury Action

Almondbury Action is a voluntary group which was set up in March 2019. Our aim is to engage with local people in environmental clean-up projects for the benefit of wildlife and the community and promote pride in Almondbury Village and surrounding areas. We also support and work in partnership with other Almondbury Community Groups. We undertake regular litter picks and clean ups, have raised money for a village defibrillator and maintain village planters.

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Friends of Cliff Recreation Ground

The Friends of Cliff Rec was established to counter the negative publicity which the Rec was attracting at the time and to save the arched stone shelter from demolition. We aim to foster a sense of pride and ownership of the Rec in the local community. We also aim to preserve and enhance the natural and man-made environment of the Rec, working in partnership with its owners, Kirklees Council.

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Ten Villages Conservation Group

The 10 villages conservation group is a practical conservation group which undertakes a task once a month around the Denby Dale parish, led by the countryside officer. A major project is the linking of two communities of Great Crested Newts and we also monitor the River Dearne for pollution, based on riverfly sampling. We also assist local schools & community groups who need a helping hand with practical projects, with a workforce entirely made up of local volunteers. We offer a warm welcome to anyone who would like to be involved and help.

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Friends of Park Gate

Reclaiming old pit workings to form a small country park. Fence removal, vegetation management, tree and hedge planting, path creation and maintenance, improved accessibility, installing information boards, general maintenance of the site. Friends of Park Gate are developing, maintaining and will manage the land off Station Road in Skelmanthorpe creating a small country park.

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Friends of Spen Beck/Mann Dam

Caring for the environment - litter picking, path care, removing NNIS, tree-planting, wild flower planting Making the area safe for the community and safe for wildlife Preservation and recording of wildlife Working with Kirklees Council, local councillors and our MP and the people of the community

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Friends of Grimescar

• To raise the profile of the designated area in the local community • To improve the habitat value of the designated area • To secure funds to improve the infrastructure of the designated area • To campaign for improving the existing facilities in the designated

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