Shepley Bird and Wildlife Group

The aims and objectives of Shepley Bird and Wildlife Group are to promote the interest and knowledge of birds and wildlife and the conservation of same, through illustrative talks and regular outdoor field visits.

The social aspect of both indoor and outdoor meetings provides regular social contact within the group and acts as an antidote to loneliness and isolation.

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Lepton Community Link

To create an opportunity for the residents of Lepton to meet together with representatives of local community groups, local councillors, officers of KMC and representatives of agencies working in the area to exchange ideas and to consult and act for the benefit of the community

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Smithy Community Playspace & TRA

Our group supports members of the community with social activities like luncheon clubs for older people and tea time clubs for children and young people. Our group also has a small allotment where produce is grown and given out to members of the community

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Roberttown In Bloom

We aim to sustainably participate in encouraging groups, residents and visitors to our village to create a more beautiful and environmentally aware community in Roberttown. We are concious of keeping our carbon impact as low as possible, our environment colourful, diverse and informative, our consideration for wildlife and nature paramount.

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Wellhouse Community Trust

A group which aims to preserve, conserve, promote and protect any building or land of important historic or architectural interest in the area and to preserve and promote the heritage and environment of Wellhouse. Aiming to promote community togetherness whilst improving and maintaining the conservation area, supporting to promote mental health through outdoor work.

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Batley Community Alliance Gardening Group

The group meets primarily on Friday mornings, 09.30-12.00, in the town centre. Activities include maintenance (tidying, planting, weeding) on Upper Commercial Street borders and the planters in the market place and on Commercial Street. There is also a Community Garden, accessible to all, in the Memorial Gardens adjacent to the swimming baths which is tended by the group.

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Friends of Toftshaw

We are a community group who seek to preserve and enhance Toftshaw Pit Hill and the adjoining countryside to create a haven for wildlife and promote the use of the land by local people as a place for peaceful enjoyment. Anyone is welcome to meet us at one of our activity events. Then if they are interested, they may request to join our Facebook group.

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Friends of Wilton Park

Friends Group set up to support Kirklees Council to provide the best possible open space which is Wilton Park by volunteer active engagement and involvement.

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Friends of Ramsden Road

We represent all user groups and our aim is to ensure that the lane can be repaired/maintained so that it remains open long-term to all.

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