Huddersfield & District Badger Group

Contact Jan Smith | NK Sponsor Ed Day

  • Value of Grant: £750
  • Planned Completion: December 2024

Project: Sett Protection @ Holroyd Park

Green Space Location: Holroyd Park, Ravensthorpe

Volunteers Involved: 5 | Expected Hours: 40

Detail: Pipes & Steel Mesh


H&DBG are applying for a grant to help toward the costs of protecting a badger sett within the Kirklees area. A sett within a public park has been disturbed by badger diggers twice recently. A crime has been recorded on both occasions by West Yorkshire Police. We left warning signs at the scene and have a camera monitoring the sett. If the sett proves to be active prior to work commencing a licence will be obtained from Natural England to authorise the work. Damaged tunnels will be repaired using plastic piping, rubber belting will be laid on top of steel mesh, to prevent further illegal digging in and around the area. The area will be backfilled and landscaped to its original contours.