Small Grant Scheme Award 2023

2023 Small Grant Scheme Awards

2023 Small Grant Scheme Awards

Following the success of the 2020 and 2022 small grant schemes, Natural Kirklees had been delighted to offer the opportunity again in 2023 for full members to apply for up to £750 for a grant to improve the environment of their green space or the well being of their community with an environmental connection.

As in previous years, our funding derived from Kirklees Council and they supported this year’s offer and we thank them for giving us this opportunity.

While it is important to affirm that all applications that met the objectives of Natural Kirklees have been considered, we were keen to promote the improvement of parks, villages and other green spaces in line with the Britain In Bloom objectives. It was equally important that we made clear that it is not just the “in bloom” members that we were thinking about but also the residents associations, community groups and preservation societies. The RHS have found that improving (or maintaining already high standards) leads to.

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Small Grant Scheme Award 2020

2020 Small Grant Scheme Awards

At the start of 2020, discussions with Rob Dalby, Parks and Green Spaces Operations Manager and Natural Kirklees concluded that an event as had been held in previous years, to introduce the public to the work Natural Kirklees and the various Friends Groups achieve was unlikely. It was a greed the funding for the event could be diverted to a Small Grant Scheme, aimed at helping the Friends groups to meet some of their short-term objectives but for which they struggle to finance. A total of 7 awards were made.

Each application detailed the benefits of the project over the headings 

What benefit will be brought to the Park / Green Space?

What benefit will be brought to the Local Community?

Plans for visits by the trustees to view the work being undertaken were abandoned due to the pandemic which hit immediately after the awards. However, it may be possible for a follow up visit to take place in 2022 so that the trustees can publicise the work achieved.

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Small Grant Scheme Award 2022

2022 Small Grant Scheme Awards

As we exit the pandemic lockdowns, albeit the virus is still with us, our member group volunteers have recommenced the excellent work they undertake in the parks and other green spaces within Kirklees. Natural Kirklees, supported by Kirklees Council, offered our members the opportunity to bid for a small grant to help them with their ambitions for 2022. The scheme closed at the end of April and we were able to make awards to 9 successful groups. The trustees have yet to visit all the sites but will meet with the groups over the coming months to report on their progress and you can read their stories here as the year progresses.

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