Urban Tree Huggers

Contact Mary Keady | NK Sponsor Ed Day

  • Value of Grant: £270
  • Planned Completion: October 2024

Project: Scapegoat Hill & Golcar Wildlife Gardens and Bee friendly Community Project

Green Space Location: Scapegoat Hill and Golcar community

Volunteers Involved: 50 | Expected Hours: 400

Detail: Compost, Seeds, Pots Vermiculaite, Craft Items, Club hire


We are working in conjunction with Scape junior school and the local community to set up a local Wildlife and bee friendly project to improve biodiversity. We will be growing seedlings and plants at Peace Pit to plant troughs and planters with pollinator friendly plants in the two villages. We will be enlisting the help of schoolchildren to make bee nesting boxes and hope to build some raised beds in the local playground to plant bee friendly plants.

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Lepton Preservation Society

Contact Bob Smith | NK Sponsor Phil Slater

  • Value of Grant: £250

Project: Lepton Centre improvement

Green Space Location: Lepton Recreation Ground

Volunteers Involved: 15

Detail: Compost & Plants


We continue to improve Lepton Village Centre as time, money and weather allows. This year we are developing a nature walk where paintings of animals that might have been seen in the area can be viewed. The aim is primarily to encourage the public onto the recreation ground where we are gradually planting trees and flower beds. This year we ask for a small amount of funding to assist us with the purchase of plants and compost with which to maintain five existing planters in the centre, two were already there and we have planted and replanted them throughout the year. This year we will need to replace compost as well as ensure the planters are filled with flowers appropriate for each season. The more we can maintain our visibility in Lepton then the more we will attract people to the recreation ground to see the other work we are doing. The result will improve the environment but also discourage vandalism due to the increased presence of ordinary folk.

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Keep Hecky Tidy

Contact Liz Gautry | NK Sponsor Tim Duke

  • Value of Grant: £250
  • Planned Completion: July 2024

Project: Making Heckmondwike Green

Green Space Location: Sparrow Park in Heckmondwike and a garden space in the town centre.

Volunteers Involved: 10 to 15 | Expected Hours: 12

Detail: Plants & Gardening Equipment


Last year we took over a small park in Heckmondwike that had been neglected. We cleared the weeds and have added some plants, however most of these were annuals plants that were donated. We also created a herb garden and a bug hotel. We received an award for the RHS for our efforts. We would like to continue to develop the park, particularly by adding perennial plants which will not need replacing annually. We have also been given another small green space in the town centre. So far we have only cleared the area and now need to plant that area up also. We also look after the planters in the town centre so need plants.

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Huddersfield & District Badger Group

Contact Jan Smith | NK Sponsor Ed Day

  • Value of Grant: £750
  • Planned Completion: December 2024

Project: Sett Protection @ Holroyd Park

Green Space Location: Holroyd Park, Ravensthorpe

Volunteers Involved: 5 | Expected Hours: 40

Detail: Pipes & Steel Mesh


H&DBG are applying for a grant to help toward the costs of protecting a badger sett within the Kirklees area. A sett within a public park has been disturbed by badger diggers twice recently. A crime has been recorded on both occasions by West Yorkshire Police. We left warning signs at the scene and have a camera monitoring the sett. If the sett proves to be active prior to work commencing a licence will be obtained from Natural England to authorise the work. Damaged tunnels will be repaired using plastic piping, rubber belting will be laid on top of steel mesh, to prevent further illegal digging in and around the area. The area will be backfilled and landscaped to its original contours.

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Growing Works

Contact Rachel Burnett | NK Sponsor Kat Wooley

  • Value of Grant: £750
  • Planned Completion: 31 December 2024

Project: Bud Therapeutic Labyrinth at Wakefield Road Allotments

Green Space Location: Wakefield Road Allotments, Dalton, HD5 9XN

Volunteers Involved: 20 | Expected Hours: 100

Detail: Hedgerow Plants, Fruit Trees, Seeds, Compost, Gloves


Creating a therapeutic labyrinth by landscaping an area of our existing therapeutic outdoor site with structural planting. The planting will be mainly perennials along with annuals wildflower, choosing native varieties where possible along with some fruit trees, increasing biodiversity and wildlife. The site is used by various groups so the therapeutic labyrinth will enhance the therapeutic activities available to participants and will also enhance the landscape, reshaping the space to allow people to feel immersed in nature.

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Grange Moor Community Association

Contact Brian Coleman | NK Sponsor Ed Day

  • Value of Grant: £300
  • Planned Completion: Summer 2024

Project: Grange Moor Miniature Park

Green Space Location: Grange Moor Miniature Memorial Park, Briestfield Road, Grange Moor

Volunteers Involved: 8 | Expected Hours: 5

Detail: Planters, Soil, Compost & Plants


The Community Association are grateful for a grant in 2022 which enabled us to complete the refurbishment of the Miniature Park. We are now looking to add 3 planters to provide colour to the Park and a more aesthetically pleasing appearance to the eye. The work preparing these planters and future maintenance will be done by Members of the Community Association.

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Golcar Lily Environment Group

Contact Suzanne Bradbury | NK Sponsor Ed Day

  • Value of Grant: £690
  • Planned Completion: Spring 2025

Project: Renovation of canoe and re-planting Planters and Park

Green Space Location: Golcar

Volunteers Involved: 12 | Expected Hours: 84

Detail: Paint & Plants


The Canoe Planter in the centre of Golcar requires re-painting and renovation as the paint is peeling off. The Planters around Golcar Town End are in need of renovation and replenishment with compost and plants. The planted area of Two Furrows Recreation area is also in need of more plants to populate the newly-reclaimed area.

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Friends of Honley Old Woods

Contact Jackie Hirst | NK Sponsor Christine Senior 

  • Value of Grant: £750
  • Planned Completion: April 2025

Project: Pond restoration and wildflower improvement

Green Space Location: Meltham/ Honley

Volunteers Involved: 10 | Expected Hours: 100

Detail: Pond Plants & Wildflower Plug Plants


To plant one of the ponds with more native plants and then once established split them to use in our other ponds. We would also like to plant some more wildflowers including Birdsfoot Trefoil onsite. We would particularly like to plant Birdsfoot Trefoil because we have Dingy Skipper butterflies onsite and this is the main food source for Dingy Skipper butterflies which have been recorded on site.

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Friends of Crow Nest Park

Contact Gill Young | NK Sponsor Tim Duke

  • Value of Grant: £294
  • Planned Completion: 1 month after order submitted

Project: Working the Greenhouse

Green Space Location: Crow Nest Park WF13 2SG

Volunteers Involved: 12 | Expected Hours: 32 hours per week

Detail: Staging


The Friends currently use the Greenhouse to plant and nurture seeds and seedlings. The results are used around the Park and specifically in the walled garden maintained by the Friends. However, we are outgrowing our available space and adding some more free-standing shelving would increase our output.

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Friends of Cliffe House

Contact John Cowan | NK Sponsor Ed Day

  • Value of Grant: £750
  • Planned Completion: End of July 2024

Project: Nature Trail Markers

Green Space Location: Cliffe House, 140 Lane Head Road Shepley, Huddersfield HD8 8DB

Volunteers Involved: 12 | Expected Hours: Approx. 80

Detail: Nature Signs


There is an existing Nature Trail in the grounds at Cliffe House. It would be beneficial to have way markers indicating the various interesting points to the children from visiting schools in term time and those visiting in the public session in school holidays. The markers will have a design to show what that path leads to. e.g. Brown Hawker Dragonfly to the pond. 12 Brass Rubbing Plaques to be attached to oak posts provided by Cliffe House staff and the Woodland Volunteers.

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