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Groups from A-Z


Growing Focal

Location: Huddersfield North (Ashbrow, Greenhead and Lindley)

Date joined: 26/02/24

Natural Kirklees Public Liability Insurance Policy Number: RSAP7130378200/119 insured until 18th September 2024

Growing Focal is a small community garden where we grow fruit, vegetables, flowers for local people to enjoy. We encourage local people to come on Wednesday afternoon during the growing season to help plant out seedlings, bulbs and plants and to help with encouraging them to grow and maintaining the raised beds. We have a small greenhouse to protect the plants and nurture growth. We aspire to enthuse and encourage people to grow in their homes and gardens and bring pleasure to those who walk by. We also have volunteers that are part of Blooming Lindley and Marsh, where we tidy up and plant bulbs and flowers into the planters in Marsh and Lindley approximately 4 times a year.



Growing Newsome

Location: Huddersfield South (Almondbury, Crosland Moor & Netherton, Dalton & Newsome)

Date joined: 3/8/17

Natural Kirklees Public Liability Insurance Policy Number: RSAP7130378200/34 insured until 18th September 2024

We’re a thriving community of food growers in Huddersfield. Growing Newsome helps people to grow and share their own food. We create opportunities for people to get together, so that we can share our plants, seeds, locally produced food, experiences, skills, and ideas for the future. We help people to grow their confidence with food growing and help to improve our local environment for people and wildlife.



Growing Works

Location: Batley (Batley East, Batley West), Birstall and Birkenshaw (Birstall, Birkenshaw), Dewsbury (Dewsbury East, Dewsbury South, Dewsbury West), Huddersfield South (Almondbury, Crosland Moor & Netherton, Dalton & Newsome)

Date joined: 03/08/17

Natural Kirklees Public Liability Insurance Policy Number: Not Insured By Natural Kirklees

Growing Works nurtures healthy lives outdoors, working within the community to support families and individuals by making positive changes in their lives. By connecting people with their environment and providing supportive activities we can help to improve health and wellbeing and enable our participants to build relationships and access support. We provide outdoor, social opportunities in therapeutic gardening, healthy cooking and eating, nature crafts and bushcraft. Services include Bud, open for all sessions for 18 years plus and Sprout, whole family fun sessions with SEND/SEMH or Young Shoots for teenagers with SEND/SEMH to build skills and independence.



Hade Edge Residents Association

Location: Holme Valley (Holme Valley North, Holme Valley South)

Date joined: 03/08/17

Natural Kirklees Public Liability Insurance Policy Number: RSAP7130378200/88 insured until 18th September 2024

The Hade Edge Residents Association fundraises for the village with a Gala and other events/activities. We also look after the village planters and the Village “Green”, on the triangle opposite the Bowshaw Pub in Hade Edge.



Holme Valley Climate Action Partnership

Location: Holme Valley (Holme Valley North, Holme Valley South)

Date joined: 04/01/21

Natural Kirklees Public Liability Insurance Policy Number: Not Insured By Natural Kirklees

The Holme Valley Climate Action Partnership network supports local organisations in carrying out climate actions as part of the Holme Valley Parish Council’s Climate Emergency Action Plan to become carbon neutral by 2030. This network has been set up by HoTT, the Parish Council and more than 30 other local organisations. An associated community business called ‘HVCAP’ has been founded; a not-for-profit charitable community business company, incorporated as a CIO, to facilitate local climate action, including fund raising, campaigns, and ‘demonstrator’ capital projects. Its aim is to raise awareness, enable participation, share good practice, and demonstrate what can be done through concerted



Holmepride – Community in Action

Location: Holme Valley (Holme Valley North, Holme Valley South)

Date joined: 3/8/17

Natural Kirklees Public Liability Insurance Policy Number: RSAP7130378200/45 insured until 18th September 2024

We are a community group that provides an opportunity for all Holme Valley residents to get involved in group activities to help improve where they live, whether its litter picking around local street, parks or places they take walks for exercise etc. We welcome all, with no discrimination re race, colour, religion, age or ability. Our projects are very varied to cater to a broad range of personal interests throughout the year. Gardening in parks, churches and community open spaces, painting of railings, litter bins, lamp posts and street furniture. We respond to requests from the local population asking for specific help or who highlight a particular issue that has come to their notice.



Holmfirth Walkers are Welcome

Location: Holme Valley (Holme Valley North, Holme Valley South)

Date joined: 10/4/19

Natural Kirklees Public Liability Insurance Policy Number: RSAP7130378200/65 insured until 18th September 2024

Holmfirth Walkers are Welcome promotes recreational walking in the Holme Valley.



Holy Trinity Community Garden

Location: Huddersfield North (Ashbrow, Greenhead and Lindley)

Date joined: 18/2/23

Natural Kirklees Public Liability Insurance Policy Number: Not Insured By Natural Kirklees

On Thursday mornings we meet to care for our beautiful garden, improving it and growing veg. We’re also good at chatting and eating cake. We regularly run family sessions encouraging gyo and eco awareness.



Honley Village Community Trust

Location: Holme Valley (Holme Valley North, Holme Valley South)

Date joined: 03/08/17

Natural Kirklees Public Liability Insurance Policy Number: Not Insured By Natural Kirklees

To promote the conservation, protection and improvement of the natural environment in the village of Honley and the surrounding area and, in particular, to hold and maintain the Magdale Fields, Honley in perpetuity.To provide facilities and activities for the recreation and leisure-time occupation for the inhabitants of Honley, regardless of age, sex or of political, religious or other opinions. To further such purposes by the provision of grants according to the charitable laws of England and Wales. The provision and maintenance of a village hall for the use of the inhabitants of Kirklees without distinction of political, religious or other opinions.



Huddersfield & District Badger Group

Location: All Kirklees areas

Date joined:

Natural Kirklees Public Liability Insurance Policy Number: RSAP7130378200/53 insured until 18th September 2024

We try to protect this delightful and harmless native mammal. We are a dedicated group of volunteers who have been protecting badgers and encouraging tolerance for many years within the Kirklees area of West Yorkshire. We check setts on a regular basis whatever the weather and when we find a sett that has been targeted by badger persecutors or diggers, we then put measures in place to protect the sett and future welfare of the badgers.We give talks and attend local shows to engage with the community and enable education, encourage tolerance, appreciation, and respect for badgers.
