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Groups from A-Z


Meltham Walkers are Welcome

Location: Holme Valley (Holme Valley North, Holme Valley South)

Date joined: 03/08/17


Strengthen Meltham’s reputation as a place for visitors to come to enjoy the outdoors, bring useful benefits to the local economy. Help to ensure that footpaths and facilities for walkers are maintained in good condition by working with relevant bodies, the Council and residents.Provide local community activities for families and local people.



Millpond Support Group

Location: Batley (Batley East, Batley West)

Date joined: 3/8/17


Develop wildlife area for benefit of community



Milnsbridge Enhancement Group (MEG)

Location: Colne Valley (Colne Valley, Golcar)

Date joined: 16/10/19


The group undertakes works to improve the environment and amenity value of Milnsbridge e.g. making a riverside walk; advances the appreciation of Milnsbridge by the public as a desirable area in which to live and work; and campaigns for resources to be spent in Milnsbridge by public and private bodies e.g. securing funding for a climbing boulder. We involve people in practical activities to improve the local environment e.g. litter picking, working with the local school on an art project; promote meetings, publications, exhibitions and research, and co-operate with other groups, both locally and nationally.



Mirfield in Bloom

Location: Mirfield

Date joined: 16/3/18


Mirfield in Bloom is a community group dedicated to making Mirfield a nice place to live by involving as many people as possible. It isn’t just about flowers. It is pulling the community together to make our townsfolk love where they live. They’ve greened grey spaces, made neighbours into friends and encouraged communities from small children to senior citizens to work with each other. Graffiti & litter problems have been addressed; and the town has looked lovely. The object of the exercise was achieved when Mirfield in Bloom was given the honour of a Queen’s Award for Voluntary Service



Moorlands Community Garden

Location: Dewsbury (Dewsbury East, Dewsbury South, Dewsbury West)

Date joined: 12/03/2024


(i) to support physical health, mental health and wellbeing;
(ii) to foster a sense of community and combat loneliness by engaging team members in social interaction through gardening;
(iii) to share knowledge and skills in garden design and planning, horticulture and the use of produce through sharing recipes and cooking;
(iv) to create conditions for the production of food whilst also preserving habitats for wildlife;
(v) to broaden and enhance knowledge of gardening through visits to gardens, agricultural and flower shows and presentations by invited speakers.



More In Common Batley & Spen

Location: Batley (Batley East, Batley West)

Date joined: 26/01/23


Community activities as part of Jo Cox’s legacy. Aim to tackle loneliness and to bring people together. We organise and run several annual events as part of the Great Get Together with the Jo Cox Foundation. Locally, these include community events, such as Cake on the Cobbles in Batley, the Batley Iftar, support for the annual Jo Cox Way bike ride from Spen to London, Step Into the Future, which is an event to bring schools together in June, and our headline event Run For Jo which takes place at Oakwell Hall. People ae encouraged to sign up for a 6.5k or 2.5k run on or help organise the event that also includes activities, stalls and a mascot race.



Newsome Ward Community Forum

Location: Huddersfield South (Almondbury, Crosland Moor & Netherton, Dalton & Newsome)

Date joined: 3/8/17


Our aims are to enable people who live and work in the Newsome Ward to come together, share information and support each other. To enable people to influence decision making in their own areas, and to be able to work together for the benefit of their communities. We do a wide range of things, including oversee the maintenance of Hey Green Community Wildlife Site, look after the community orchard in Lowerhouses, and look after the grounds of what was St John’s Church in Newsome, which is being converted to Newsome Centre.



Oak Primary School

Location: Huddersfield South (Almondbury, Crosland Moor & Netherton, Dalton & Newsome)

Date joined: 16/11/23


At Oak Primary School in Crosland Moor we have just started a gardening club for children in key stage two. We meet once a week after school and spend an hour working in the school garden. Unfortunately, the garden has been neglected for many years and is overgrown and untidy. We have spent the last few weeks clearing the site with our hand and a few tools that teachers have brought in from home. The children are really excited about transforming the space over the coming seasons with plants, flowers and vegetables. We would really appreciate the opportunity to borrow some tools from the Beaumont Park tool store so that we can really get started on improving the garden.



Over2Hills Ltd

Location: All Kirklees areas

Date joined: 21/07/21


We have a woodland and wetland which we are looking for local community groups to have a shared interest in, host events for the community, offer advise on managing the eco climate within the space. We also provide FREE Furniture donations for charities and not for profit organisations, such as storage cabinets, folding tables, community room chairs & tables, soft seating. Please have a look at our FREE Click and collect shop or call into our showroom,



Parent Sanctuary

Location: All Kirklees areas

Date joined: 03/11/21


Supporting the health and well-being of parents and children in the kirklees area with guided walks and meditations that encourage learning about our environment, suitable from newborn
