Scisset Community Garden Project

Scisset Community Garden Project

Project Title     

Scisset Community Garden Project


1000 sq. metre plot of the church was an overgrown patch of ground in the middle of the village. Now on its way to being a community garden and most of the tree work completed, main central hedge laid, brambles and nettles progressively being cleared. One plot is ready for growing vegetables, fruit and two rustic benches in situ. The objective is to provide a space for the people of Scisset to enjoy and share in the pleasure of the garden and gardening.

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River Holme Connections

River Holme Connections

Project Title     

Spa Wood Restoration Project, Lockwood, Huddersfield


We would like to carry out a range of biodiversity enhancement work in Spa Wood (Lockwood). This will include, litter picking, river clean-up work, control of invasive non-native plants (Himalayan balsam and rhododendron), management of bramble on a species rich grassland and small-scale woodland management work (outside the bird nesting season) such as thinning and coppicing work.

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Ravensthorpe Residents Association

Ravensthorpe Residents Association

Ravensthorpe Residents Association Volunteers

Project Title    

Kirklees Children’s Forest woodland walkway


We wish to create permanent pathways throughout the forest. Adding seating areas and new planting. This will consist of a selection of bulbs, woodland plants, meadow plants and soft fruit shrubs and plants.

Each path will lead to a distinct area within the forest.


  • It is a location which has been badly affected by fly tipping in the past. Work already carried out has started to reduce this and residents are enjoying the space and planting we have already put in place. The pathways will be much easier for residents to use. There is an increase in the number and variety of birds in the forest. There will be a greater selection of planting to encourage the biodiversity in the area, which will increase the wildlife visiting the space. Local residents will have a new area to enjoy.
  • We wish to hold community events there, such as a Teddy Bear’s Picnic once the work is completed. The soft fruits will provide a selection of fresh products for the local community.
  • Local workers will be able to walk back through the forest on their breaks. We are hoping the local schools will use the space for their forest schools sessions.
  • There will be a massive improvement to the appearance of the local area.

Holmepride Community In Action

Holmepride Community In Action

Project Title    

New allotment – Holmfirth J,I&N school


A new wheelchair accessible allotment is being built on funds raised by Holmepride-CiA of £9.55k plus a Storage shed being donated by Co-op Head Office. Funding requested is needed to complete essential elements for children to grow plants from seed and then consume what they grow through the school kitchen.

Going forward, it is proposed that the school will be leading the way for inter-school growing of vegetable and fruit competitions which may be the first in the country.

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East Bierley Village Preservation Society

East Bierley Village Preservation Society

Project Title     

Village Pond Flower Surrounds


To continue to improve the flower surrounds to the village pond. To improve the eco-climate for bees and insects in the area. 


The project purchased 60 Lavender Hidcote  plants in 2 litre pots Covid19 prevented visits by the trustees during the following seasons. 


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Birkby Community Wildlife Garden

Birkby Community Wildlife Garden

Project Title     

Public Signage for Wildlife Garden


The Birkby Community Wildlife Garden has been developed by our group of volunteers over a period a little over 2 years, from a small area of overgrown urban woodland subject to abandonment and fly-tipping, into a conservation garden accessible to the local community and visitors from further afield. The woodland has been subject to a minimal but judicious amount of thinning with the introduction of a greater variety of native species trees and shrubs. A great deal of effort has gone into tackling the substantial Japanese Knotweed infestation and this is ongoing. The garden now incorporates footpaths and bird and bat nesting boxes and other introduced features. Our emphasis is on promoting diversity of plant and animal species and in their conservation and encouraging access for quiet enjoyment and education. Our project has operated under the guidance of Kirklees Volunteer Officers and under the umbrella of Natural Kirklees. We are at a stage now when we require good quality signage to explain to visitors about the history and features of the site. We have identified that a noticeboard would be preferable to fixed lectern type information boards. Not only is this a cheaper option but it allows for the renewal of information over time and is likely to be less prone to vandalism. Accordingly, we would like to purchase a 2 bay A2 lockable, aluminium noticeboard considered to be the most economical of the product range.

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Honley Village Community Trust

Honley Village Community Trust

Project Title    

Creation of a Temporary Pond/Scrape


Magdale Fields and Dam are owned by Honley Village Community Trust. It is adjacent to the River Holme and a popular beauty spot. The Trust manages the land through a group of volunteers and aims to encourage a biodiverse environment. We work with River Holme Connections and other local groups and have recently planted trees and sown wildflower seed. Magdale Dam was a millpond and attracts a variety of birdlife.

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Japanese Knotweed Eradication

Japanese Knotweed Eradication

Japanese Knotweed

Project Title

Japanese Knotweed Eradication


As a sperate request for funding to Kirklees Council, Natural Kirklees requested the Council continue to finance an annual amount for Japanese Knotweed Eradication.

Previous funding has enabled Natural Kirklees to cover the costs for various sites in Kirklees, but this year the trustees, in line with the small grant scheme, agreed to fund work only on member sites.

The funding is passed to River Holme Connections who are licensed and experienced in undertaking this work.

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The Lepton Preservation Society

The Lepton Preservation Society

Project Title

Willow Deer 


To provide a willow sculpture of a deer to enhance the appearance and interest level of the Lepton Recreation Ground. Also, to provide summer flowers for planters provided by the above society. Both items will improve the village for the residents.  


  • 1. It will provide an attraction for both local people and visitors to the village. Similarly, the flowers will brighten the village.
  • 2. We of TLVPS are already working hard on a number of projects, to bring interest and involve old and young alike. We have the involvement of both Lepton schools.
  • 3. Providing a place and reason to visit the rec will enhance residents’ enjoyment and interest in the village and also provide entertainment to all.
  • 4. By providing a pleasant local place to visit on a nice day. It should save many people taking cars to places outside the village.


Our final application was received from the Lepton Preservation Society to provide finance for the provision of a willow sculpture in the form of a deer, plus some plants to enhance the appearance of the Lepton Recreation Ground. The Society involve the local schools and hope these improvements will improve the feeling of well-being in the village. At the time of judging the applications, the council have not yet given permission for the willow sculpture so the trustees have held back the full award pending the council’s approval but have granted the finance for the plants.  

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Smithy Community Play Space

Smithy Community Play Space

Project Title

Grow Our Own


Our project seeks to build community cohesion in our community by having young people and residents working together to improve the Smithy play space . Alongside this we would like to positively engage the community in taking a hands-on approach to looking after where they live collectively.  


  • 1. The project will bring the community together whilst enjoying being our side in a multi-use space that all the community will use.
  • 2. The project will mix ages together and build a strong sense of community belonging. It will also break down barriers between older people and young people.
  • 3. The project will provide fresh fruit and veg for residents to enjoy and it will increase on people mental health and wellbeing by them being involved with an activity where they can socialise.
  • 4. Our project will involve planting and growing many fruit and vegetables and flowers and this will help improve the appearance of the space as well as create habitats for creatures to live.  

Report Smithy Community Play Space is a new member and one of the trustees visited Shannon to meet and understand the reasons that the group had been formed for – and was happy to recommend the grant award. The group want to improve the space by having young people and residents working together and to positively engage the community in taking a hands-on approach to looking after where they live collectively. The award will finance tools, compost and plants..  

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