Windybank Activities For All

Windybank Activities For All

Project Title

Get together gardening 


At Windybank Community Centre we aim to run gardening sessions throughout the day to help combat the loneliness and isolation that has been suffered as part of the impact of the pandemic. We hope in doing this it will one bring people back out of their homes and bring back some community spirit and friendships. To get people back outside and in the open to help with their well-being and plant lots of lovely plants, fruit, vegetables and fruit trees so that we could also use this lovely fresh grown produce in our soon to be running cooking on a budget sessions.  

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Mirfield in Bloom

Mirfield In Bloom

Project Title

Soil Experiment


Mirfield in Bloom is not just flowers.  We involve the community in our activities and aim to educate as well as interest people.  We have been given the honour of representing Yorkshire in the RHS Britain in Bloom competition and intend to demonstrate our knowledge of biodiversity and community cohesion.  A soil experiment will allow this, as we have the facilities next to our polytunnel.  We will conduct this with the support of a retired professional horticulturalist.  Those taking part will own the activity.  

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Shelley Conservation and Environment Group

Shelley Conservation and Environment Group

Project Title

Jubilee Wildflower Meadow with Commemorative Bench


The group has been working to clear an area on the Lower Bridle to turn it into a wildflower meadow. Access to the meadow can be down the existing path or via a newly created path through the woodland. 

It has been suggested that a bench and commemorative plaque to celebrate the Queens Jubilee would be a good way to enhance and finish off the project as it will permanently mark the work done and promote what SCEG do while delivering many benefits to the village as described below.  

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Grange Moor Community Association

Grange Moor Community Association

Project Title

Grange Moor Miniature Park Project


To refurbish and bring back to life and use the land adjoining Grange Moor Bowling Club. The Miniature Park dates back to the days when the Village was a thriving mining community but has lain unused for over 50 years

We plan to lay out paths, with access for wheelchairs and push chairs, with seating and beds planted for easy maintenance. Part of the Park will be retained as a wildlife area to attract all forms of wildlife 

There is a considerable amount of work needed to excavate the Park and lay out the paths and beds.  

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Friends of Spen Beck & Mann Dam

Friends of Spen Beck & Mann Dam

Project Title

Save & Safe – Spen Beck & Mann Dam


Save – We aim to obtain Local Nature Reserve status to save this vulnerable and fragile space near our town centre.  This area has a dam, marshland, woodland, meadow etc.  To improve Bio- Diversity and Carbon Reduction we plan to plant trees, meadow seeds and protect all species, particularly any of special note – hence the bat survey.

Safe – Community Cohesion and Well Being will focus on making the space safe by litter picking, rubbish and graffiti removal.  Conversations are on-going with a nearby school and Scout group.  We hope to share information via an existing Facebook site.

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Friends of Cliffe House

Friends of Cliffe House

Project Title

FINK LINK (Friends in Natural Kirklees LINK)


To provide a variety of plants in key locations to enhance areas used as part of the educational aspects for the attending children and the wider community enjoying the facilities during school holidays. Plants for the main border alongside the main lawn. Aquatic, marginal and shrub planting at the Ephemeral Pond site.


  • 1. The benefits will be mainly visual for the Lawn area that is seen from the House and when activities are held on the lawn by the schools and those that visit at other times. The various types of plants for this part will be educational as explanations of the combination of varieties will be explained. The benefit for the plants at the Pond is huge. These plants will enhance the work already carried out under an earlier project by encouraging Damselflies and Dragonflies to lay eggs and then encourage Frogs, Toads and Newts to flourish there.   This will become a major part of the school education programme and for other site visits. The Pond work in a previous project was to bring the 3 ephemeral ponds back to life. 
  • 2. Cliffe House provides a wonderful mix of opportunities for the wide Kirklees community to enjoy. The FoCH support ensures there is a link between the location (Shepley) and that wider Community and this project will enable us to strengthen that link when we hold fundraising events and support management community initiatives. Cliffe House has Sapling Adventure Club for age 18 months to 4 years that meets on Mondays. They are basically an outdoor club. An advantage is that one day these children will eventually use the facilities as Schoolchildren. And be taken there by grandparents at other times. One day they too will become parents and so it goes on. The more interesting we can make the experience the better. So much more can be achieved when out of term events are planned as how improved facilities are.
  • 3. The Wellbeing aspect is huge. For a start the Cliffe House Woodlands Volunteer Team, who will carry out the work, will benefit hugely knowing their work is appreciated by users of the gardens. The school children will always remember their visits and part of the education will be understanding more about Pond life. Parents bring their children at various times in half terms, Grandparents bring their grandchildren too then and at weekends. The more interesting things that are available to interact with the better. 
  • 4. Tough call on Carbon Reduction evaluation but any improvement in plant life is good. For Birds and Bees etc. But the Biodiversity benefit is great. Appropriate plant life at ponds creates the most wonderful combination for the insect, mammal, and amphibian life there. What a wonderful combination that makes. Kids of all ages 18 months to 100 years love that combination


Jul 22- Following an invite from Jill (FOCH Chair) to the Cliffe House Garden Party, I have now witnessed the planting in the long border. It is a splendid show. I also had the priviledge of a guided tour of the house and while it is now adapted practically as a school, it ranks as one of the most interesting historic houses I have ever visited. As the visit was on the day of the garden party the ponds were out of bounds but from a distance, the planting appears to have happened.

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Hade Edge Residents Association

Hade Edge Residents Association

Project Title

Brightening up the village


To provide plants for the 8 existing planter tubs situated around the village


  • 1. It will bring flowers for wildlife (e.g. bees), and help with people’s mental health (flowers make people happy!)
  • 2. We can get local people to come help with planting, which is good for health and wellbeing and be part of the community.
  • 3. It’s good exercise to plant, they will be in fresh air too with other like-minded people
  • 4. Planting plants always helps with carbon reduction. We have already planted some trees in one of the spaces.


Aug 22 – Friends and I ventured a walk starting at Hade Edge and while I didn’t get a chance to tour the village, the gladioli in one of the tubs on the green were in full bloom and the view outstanding.

May 22 – Kerry and her team of volunteers have installed several plant tubs throughout the village and sought a small grant to purchase plants to stock them for the summer with bulbs and perennial plants. The village has also seen a new build housing estate and we agreed that an additional couple of planters would allow the pavement for this area to become more attractive in keeping with the rest of the village. No sooner had we awarded the grant, we received photos of the work that that the volunteers had been able to achieve. 

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Small Grant Scheme Awards 2022

As we exit the pandemic lockdowns, albeit the virus is still with us, our member group volunteers have recommenced the excellent work they undertake in the parks and other green spaces within Kirklees.

Natural Kirklees, supported by Kirklees Council, offered our members the opportunity to bid for a small grant to help them with their ambitions for 2022. The scheme closed at the end of April and we were able to make awards to 9 successful groups.

The trustees will visit all the sites throughout the summer to report on their progress and you can read their stories here as the year progresses.

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